
Critical Writings on Korean Contemporary Art

Alternative title A Report of Art Critic Support Program 2018-2019
Category Book
Editor/s Baek Jihong
Writer/s An Jaeyoung, Ban Ejung, Eom Jehyeon, Jeung Gangsan, Jung Hoon, Kim Shin Sik, Kim Han Deul, Lee Do Hoon, Lee Nara, Michael Lim, Mun Hye Jin, Seo Juno, Natalie Boseul Shin
Publisher Korea Arts Management Service
Description A total of 76 manuscripts were written as a result, and KAMS has compiled the results of its program into a book titled Critical Writings on Korean Contemporary Art : A report for the 2018?2019 Art Critic Support Program, which includes 14 of those texts along with one newly written one. The individual manuscripts differ in character, as no conditions were stipulated for participation in the matching project; indeed, it may be a bit of a stretch for them to be compiled into a single volume.
Language English
No. of Pages 241
ISBN / ISSN 978-89-98604-73-8
Year of Publication 2020
Keyword/s Korean Contemorary Art, Art Critic
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