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MMCA selected Cheo U-Ram as the artist of the Hyundai Motor Series 2022

posted 22 Feb 2022

Choe U-Ram, Custos Cavum,2011.jpg

Custos Cavum, metallic material, resin, motor, gear, custom CPU board, LED, 220(h)X260(w)X260(d)cm. 2011, Image provided by MMCA.

MMCA has selected Choe U-Ram as the artist for the exhibition MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2022. Choe U-Ram is best known for his designed "anima-machines" that create movement. MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2022 will run from September to February 2023 at MMCA Seoul. His works are large-scale installations, inspired by organic movement and unique narratives. He focuses on how human desires are projected onto techonological advancement and evolution. For MMCA Hyundai Motor Series, the artist will unveil his newest large-scale installation work, 〈Paper Boat〉. As he tries to question the meaning of human existence from various perspectives, he will also explore the essence of current global crises, such as climate change and coronavarus pandemic.

About the MMCA Hyundai Motor Series

The MMCA Hyundai Motor Series, in partnership with Hyundai Motor Company, is a 10-year art project that has been organizing annual exhibitions of esteemed Korean artists since 2014. The project aims to expand the boundaries of Korean contemporary art and provide a platform that connects leading Korean artists with a wider global audiences. Each year, the MMCA selects one artist/group with a unique artistic vision to explore his/her creative process to its full potential and provides promotional support both at home and abroad. The commissioned artworks reflect the artist's vision and aesthetics and demonstrate the currents and dynamism of Korean contemporary art.

For more information : https://www.mmca.go.kr/eng/


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