
Guem MinJeong

Guem MinJeong handles space as a subject matter. She identifies a space from the places and objects she perceived, communicated with and experienced, and creates a new space before her audience by adding imagination. She transforms 'the space' of her own into a work of art in the form of video-installation and video-sculpture. The space in her works varies, encompassing from architectural elements such as walls, floors, windows and doors, to natural elements such as forest, trees, ocean and mountain, white-cube exhibition halls in the museums or galleries, physical space such as a historic place or building where traces of time and experiences of many have been collected and mundane objects such as furniture and devices, and books and text.

  • Education
    • 2017 D.F.A. Candidate. School of Communication&Art, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
      2004 M.F.A. Sculpture, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
      2001 BFA. Sculpture, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
  • Selected Solo Exhibitions
    • 2019 《Hidden Layers》, Noblesse Collection, Seoul, Korea
      2018 《Flow, Again》, Mapo Oil Tank Culture Park T4, Seoul, Korea
      2017 《INVISIBLE FOREST》, SPACE SO, Seoul, Korea
      2016 《The Wall of Art Museum》, National Museum of Modern and contemporary Art MediaWall, Seoul, Korea
      2014 《Separation Walls》, GALLERY SEJUL Seoul, Korea
  • Selected Group Exhibitions
    • 2019 《The Cross Section of Korean Modern Sculpture》, Seosomun Shrine History Museum, Seoul, Korea
      2019 《Kumho Young Artist: The 69 Times of Sunrise》, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
      2017 《Straniamento familiar or unfamiliar, Le Murate》, Progetti Arte Contemporanea, Florence, Italy
      2015 《Media Salon de SeMA: SeMA’s New Acquisitions 2014 Ⅱ》, Buk Seoul Annex Building of Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
      2014 《Home, Where the heart is》, Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea
  • Residencies/Awards/
    • Residencies
      2014 Green River project-Korea/Taiwan Exchange Artist Residency, Tamsui, Taiwan
      2013-2014 Seoul Art Space HONGEUN, Seoul, Korea
      2009-2010 Seoul Museum of Art Nanji Residency, 4th Artist (Long term), Seoul, Korea
      2007-2008 MMCA Residency Goyang, 4th Artist (Long term), Gyeonggi-do, Korea

      Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Korea
      Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul Dance Center, Korea
      KAIST College of Administration, Seoul, Korea
      Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
      Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
  • Link

〈Scenario_Minerva of Life and DeathⅠ〉, 2014, single channel, video installation, dimensions variable Collection of SeMA Seoul Museum of Art. Image Courtesy of the Artist

〈Fire. Field. Forest.〉, 2017, single channel, video installation, dimensions variable. Image Courtesy of the Artist

〈Light on Strata〉, 2018, single channels, video installation, 4 channels sound, 1200x550cm. Image Courtesy of the Artist

〈The Breathing Eyes〉, 2015, media wall(40 & 48 inch), 2 channels(each 00:03:17 loop), wood, 170x170x3cm. Image Courtesy of the Artist

〈Sufferings of others_SanroksuLo〉, 2019, LED media wall(48 & 40inch), 2chanels (000359 loop), charcoal, 150×230×70cm. Image Courtesy of the Artist

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