
Chae Eun Rhee

In her painting, Chae Eun loads an array of images onto a large canvas and scrutinizes them in the light of today. She mainly uses the medium of painting as a means to critique the hypocritical aspects of the cultural environment on both a social and a personal level.
Recently, Chae Eun Rhee had work on show at Museum de Fundatie(2021), EENWERK (2020) in Netherlands, the Korean Cultural Center in Washington, D.C. (USA, 2018), SongEun ArtCube (2019), Chapter II (2021), Gallery Baton(2022) in Korea. Her works are in the collections of Fenix Museum of Immigration, Central Museum Utrecht, Museum de Fundatie(Netherlands), and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Art Bank(Korea).

  • Education
    • 2007 MFA School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Painting and Drawing, Chicago, USA
      2004 BFA School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Painting and Drawing, Chicago, USA
  • Selected Solo Exhibitions
    • 2021
      Schilderijen(Paintings), Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, Netherlands (4 September - 5 December)
      A Song for the Unseen , Chapter II, Seoul, Korea (8 April - 29 May)
      A Song for the Unseen , EENWERK, Amsterdam, Netherlands
      The Moment Your Smile Fades Away, SongEun ArtCube,Seoul, Korea
      Expanding SpaceTime (2-person Show), Korean Cultural Center DC,
  • Selected Group Exhibitions
    • 2022
      The Symposium of Image , Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea (5 May - 17 July)
      The Flexible Boundaries, Gallery Baton, Seoul, Korea (12 January - 12 February)
      Art Rotterdam 2021, Rotterdam, Netherlands (1 July - 4 July)
      Versatile Volumes-The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists’ Books, KF Gallery, Korea
      Foundation & Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Korea, Seoul, Korea(23 June - 13 August)
      Mirror in the Mirror, Seoul Museum, Seoul, Korea(10 March - 22 August)
      2020 Union Art Fair, Mullae Art Factory, Seoul, Korea
      Festival Gihoek, Oil Tank Culture Park_Story Hall, Seoul, Korea
      First Step, Art Space Hue, Seoul, Korea
      A Load to OZ, Daegu International Fashion Culture Festival, KRIFI, Daegu, Korea
      Art Market 55, Space 55, Seoul, Korea
      Summer Love, SongEun ArtSpace, Seoul, Korea
  • Residencies/Awards/
    • Residencies
      2022 Buitenplaats Doornburgh, Maarssen, Netherlands(April~September, 2023)
      2021 Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) Nanji Residency, Seoul, Korea( February 2021~January 2022)
      2020 2020 Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, ACC-Rijksakademie Dialogue and Exchange program part 2, Amsterdam, Netherlands
      2018 Incheon Art Platform Residency, Incheon, Korea

      Selected Awards and Grants
      2021 International Exchange for Korean Arts, Grant Winner, Arts Council Korea, Korea
      2020-2021 Art Creation Activity Support, Grant Winner, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea
      Overseas Artist-in-residence Programs, Grant Winner, Arts Council Korea, Korea

      Selected Commissions
      2022 Painting, Fenix Museum of Migration, Rotterdam, Netherlands
      2021 Painting, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Netherlands

      Selected Collections
      Spectators, 2022, oil on linen, 200 x 300 cm, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Netherlands
      Twister , 2017-2020, oil on linen, 230 x 444 cm(230 x 148 cm each), Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, Netherlands
      The Weight of an Arm, 2021, oil on linen, 145.5 x 112 cm, Henk and Victoria de Heus - Zomer Collection
      The Moment Your Smile Fades Away, 2019, oil on linen, 182 x 227.3 cm, , Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, Netherlands
      A Song for the Unseen, 2020, oil on linen, 190 x 370 cm, 2020 The Ekard Collection- Robert and Renee Drake Collection
  • Link

Twister , 2017-2020, oil on linen, 230 x 444 cm(230 x 148 cm each), Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, Netherlands. Courtesy of the artist.

Twister , 2017-2020, oil on linen, 230 x 444 cm(230 x 148 cm each), Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, Netherlands. Courtesy of the artist.

Twister , 2017-2020, oil on linen, 230 x 444 cm(230 x 148 cm each), Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, Netherlands. Courtesy of the artist.

The Weight of an Arm, 2021, oil on linen, 145.5 x 112 cm, Henk and Victoria de Heus - Zomer Collection. Courtesy of the artist.

The Moment Your Smile Fades Away, 2019, oil on linen, 182 x 227.3 cm, , Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, Netherlands. Courtesy of the artist.

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