
Song Suhyung

The subjects and scenes captured in Suhyung Song’s paintings are drawn from her daily encounters. From people like petrified shadows to fleeting landscapes, her work expresses reflection on what it means to be a human existence that is floating in uncertainty.

  • Education
    • 2014 B.F.A. Fine Art in Painting, College of Fine Art, Seoul Women’s University, Korea
  • Residencies/Awards/
    • 2021 SeMA NANJI Residency 15th Artist Program, Seoul, Korea

Banpo, 2020, oil on canvas, 41X32cm. Courtesy of the artist.

Car Seat, 2012, oil on canvas, 41X32cm. Courtesy of the artist.

lying woman, 2008, oil on canvas, 60X50cm. Courtesy of the artist.

moment, 2012, oil on canvas, 41X32cm. Courtesy of the artist.

river, 2020, oil on canvas, 45X33cm. Courtesy of the artist.

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