Kim In-seon studied plastic art at Ewha Womans University in Korea and earned her MA in art history at Pratt Institute in New York. Starting her career at Alternative Space Loop in 1999, she later ..
After graduating with an undergraduate degree in painting from Hongik University, Kang earned a master’s in art history both at Hongik University and at Boston University. Later, she completed a Ph..
Kim Hong-hee graduated from Ewha Womans University with a degree in French literature. After receiving a master’s degree in art history from Concordia University in Canada, she returned home to com..
Judy Kim is Director, Affiliates and Abu Dhabi Project Operations at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. In her dual role, she oversees all operations and management pertaining to the Guggenheim’..
A native of Belgium, Rosalie Kim studied architecture and philosophy at Belgium’s UCL and the University of Turin in Italy. She has worked at architectural offices in Seoul, Brussels, Antwerp, and ..
Jen Yeunho Kimjang studied media art and cultural studies. She planned the Seoul International NewMedia Festival (2000–17), which won the award Arts of the ..
Kim is a curator, writer, and researcher based in Seoul. She was Director at Arko Art Center, Seoul, in 2014‒2015 and a co-curator of the 7th Gwangju Biennale in 2008. Her curatorial and interdisci..
Kim is an independent curator working in Seoul who also writes and contemplates new projects focusing on the use of time, movement, the human body, memory and records in media such as visual art, t..
With an interest in connecting society to art, Kam has participated in a number of public art projects and continues to expand her on-site experience. She completed in 2016 an art producer (aPD) co..